Financial Information

Historical information is provided below in the various tables. As we look to update the website so more information will appear and eventually will move to the new website once it is available.

2024 / 2025
Income and Expenditure by Budget 2024-25
Receipts and Payments 2024-25
Notice of Public rights 2024-25
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2024-25
Audited AGAR Parts 1 & 2 2024-25
Grants Awarded 2024-25 
 2023 / 2024
Income and Expenditure by Budget 2023-24
Receipts and Payments 2023-24
Notice of Public Rights 2023-24
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023-24
Audited AGAR Parts 1 & 2 2023-24
Grants Awarded 2023-24