Planning Committee
(Delegated powers to act as statutory consultee on all planning applications) Meetings held on Tuesdays (normally fortnightly) to discuss, as consultee, planning applications in town
Chair: Cllr Pearsall
Deputy Chair: Cllr Kolek
Members: Cllr Fotheringham, Cllr Hulin, Cllr Kolek, Cllr Maunder,
Cllr Pearsall, Cllr R Sexton & Cllr S Sexton
Planning Committee Terms of Reference
Finance and Policy Committee
Meets every three months (recommendations on all aspects of changes to policies, procedures and expenditure (Reports back to Town Council)
Chair: Cllr S Sexton
Deputy Chair: Cllr Wakefield
Members: Cllr Brown, Cllr Maunder, Cllr McCollum, Cllr S Sexton & Cllr Wakefield
Finance & Policy Committee Terms of Reference