
Recent years have seen a big increase in the number of people wanting to grow their own produce and Honiton is no exception. The Town Council has a waiting list for allotments and has leased land at Battishorne Way to satisfy demand for plots. The contract to build the allotment plots has been awarded and funding provided by a development agreement via EDDC, which sees £68k recently agreed to fund the project. There is a Council Working Group leading the project.

For further information, or to join the waiting list, please contact the Deputy Town Clerk, Honiton Town Council, Council Offices, The Beehive, Dowell Street, Honiton, EX14 1LZ. Telephone 01404 42957 or by email to

Allotment progress (3rd June 2022) see photos below

Allotment Opening Ceremony 3rd June 2022

Allotment progress (22nd March 2022) see photos below

Allotment progress (November 2021) see photos below


Despite the cold and wet weather, the new plot holders at the Battishorne Way Allotments have clearly been hard at work, as seen by these photographs.  The Town Council is delighted to see the allotments being used and hope that the plot holders will soon be enjoying the fruits of their labour. 




Press Release - 7th October 2021

New allotments in Honiton

Honiton Town Council is proud to announce that the long-awaited allotments off Battishorne Way are now complete after many months of hard work from Town Councillors, Council staff and Banks Construction Ltd. We have 36 Plots available in total and residents will be moving onto the allotments in the next few weeks. Honiton Council would like to thank everyone involved past and present.

Terry Darrant and Cllr Fiona Hanratty, Co-Chairs of the Allotment Working Group said “ The residents of Honiton have waited a long time for allotments, and we are delighted that they are now able to start growing their own fruit and vegetables. We hope very much that they will have a very productive year”



Drone photos taken by Jake White of Drone Footage


Allotment progress (16th June 2021) see photo's below

Allotment Construction is in progress at Battishorne Way (19th May 2021)- see photos below

Allotment Construction is in progress at Battishorne Way - see photos below

